This site is intended to help spread the knowledge of the many chants sung around sacred fire circles all over the country.
The main difference here is that I provide BASIC SHEET MUSIC NOTATION for these chants. Other sites have sound files that help you learn melodies, but I wanted to provide a resource that could be printed and brought with you to an event, to remind you of a melody, or help you share it with others.
The ability to better teach these songs to others can contribute widely to a gathering or festival, as many love to sing, but need someone else to lead the song. It is simply another tool to become more able to share these heartsongs with others through their many forms, and create a more joyful noise.
As a musician myself, these files are made available with MUCH love, respect for the artists' work, and in support of the "oral tradition" of the Internet and other open forums. No copyright infringement is intended; you may only use these files for private study, scholarship, or research; and absolutely NOT FOR PROFIT.
I have researched the chants to make sure they are attributed to their author, whenever possible. Send additions, corrections or complaints to
This site is a new experiment, and will be ever-changing in the future to include more chants, links to sister sites, and mp3 files of some chants. If you are interested in getting involved in the project in anyway, please email me - I could use the help.